Have you ever painted a turd, but something in the paint really draws you to it? I finished this one in class yesterday, and quickly took it to my car, to bury the evidence. When I got home, I put it on my easel with the intention of scraping it off and savaging the canvas. But as I stared is the thing, something makes me actually like it. Nothing is correct in the painting, the colors are completely wrong. It looks like a kindergartner took all the colors in his 64 crayon box and just started coloring away. Having said that, I still like it. I've put it on my wall next to my favorite painting, which is an acrylic painted by Karen.
At least I'm doing things as I'm told in class this year. :) Well, other than the Crayola colors...

I like the sky and the mountains. It is a very warm color scheme.
I love this post and I'm so happy you shared! This painting rocks the bright colors (owning them is half the battle, its your world, after all) and the feeling of depth is very nice. Those bright, happy bushes up front look like they are popping right off the canvas. I can imagine them (the bushes) like people standing together peering at the other side of the lake and chatting about the scene. Sorry, I have nerdy thoughts about art. 😄
Painting turds is a special skill best left to professional turd painters. This is no turd, but I appreciate the self-deprecation in your post. yeah, there is something about doing things differently that improves paintings - sometimes liking them requires some brain-digesting in order for it to sit well with you. This I like.
p.s. yes, following instructions is a virtue. There is no logic in doing things backward. lol