"Sunlit Pilings and Rope" 6" x 12" oil on hardboard | Art Party Unlimited
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On a beautiful October day on Kent Island, Maryland, my wife Karen and I seized the opportunity to have a delightful picnic by a pond. As we settled at a picnic table, the enchanting scene along the water's edge captivated me — the sunlight danced gracefully on the pylons, creating a picturesque moment that begged to be painted. Although lacking my painting supplies, I improvised with my camera, capturing this delightful shot. However, the image remained untouched for two months until December 2023, when I finally devoted a few hours to transform it into a this impressionist piece. This artwork now serves as a cherished reminder of a serene lunch with Karen by the water, capturing the essence of that warm October day.

"Sunlit Pilings and Rope" 6" x 12" oil on hardboard

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