"Sunset Barn," 18 x 24" oil on canvas, #7792 | Art Party Unlimited
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For purchase info, please contact or visit:

Kent Island Federation of Arts, Inc.
405 Main Street, Stevensville, MD 21666
410-643-7424 | arthousekifa@gmail.com | www.kifa.us​​​


I grew up in farmland in central Indiana. Indianapolis has now encroached on our southeast corner of the county, but growing up there was nothing but cornfields and trees around us. My entire family lived within a block of one another, each on a respective piece of land. Horses, chickens, pigeons, dogs and various other pets and farm animals abounded.

I spent a fair amount of my time playing in and around the barns and sheds during my youth, so I love capturing the old wooden barns in paintings, even if they are just a background element. This barn, however, takes center stage.

It reminds me very strongly of my grandfather's barns and property, despite the fact that his barns and property looks nothing like this painting. It began as an art lesson and became a painting that now hangs in my home.

It's a strange thing about art - sometimes it reminds you of great memories even if doing so makes absolutely no sense.

That is the power of a painting. 

"Sunset Barn," 18 x 24" oil on canvas, #7792

SKU: 7792
Excluding Sales Tax
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